Wednesday, November 08, 2006


yeah...rite in the middle of exams atm. They are SOOOOOO GAY had two today (chem and hb) they were actualli ok..had one on mon (psyc) that was a little harder and then had a prac last thurs that was crap as HELLL i won't be surprised if i don't pass... stupid genetics.
So I've got MBC coming up on saturday..seriousli i don't kno y they put exams on saturday they just ruin ur perfectly gd weekend..although the exam on saturday is in the morning so i'll be done by noon WOOHOO soo then it's SHOPPING TIME =D man havn't gone shopping in a long time =D

i kno this is random..but today just before the hb exam i saw 20/10 guy OMGG he was soooo fine!!!! tanned skin...gorgeous deep set eyes..'chiselled features' as yang likes to put it OMGG he was soooooo cuttteee seriousli hottest guy i've seen in perth so far...wel...him and bus boy lol bus boy is just adorable!!! it's up to the time where we hav to choose our majors for next's realli fustrating because u can't choose the wrong ones or ones u don't realli need...because we have to decide what we are going to major and choose the rite units for 2nd year and 3rd year ..tryin to get sum units where i kno i'll hav sum friends in it already... kinda can't wait till next year the unit's i reckon i gna be much much much more interesting coz this year is just basic foundations and stuff but next year we get into the nitty gritty stuff hehe can't wait...and it's gna be gd because next year can PARRRTTTTAY even more than this year (of course that's studyin my ass off at the same hard play hard)

anyways gna go now...hav to hav dinner =p

till after exams.....earthlings.....


Yuets said...

hahah ur so gay weif!!... well bus boy adorable? WELL u got to admit 'MOSES' is way way way way way hotter then ur bus boy and 'blackcurrent' =] haha good luck for exams hey... u better not come annoy me after ur last exam coz i still have one more exam! stay away ok!

luv u!

YuehLai said...

ahahaha hrmmss i cant realli trust ur guy choices..gotta see for myself!! =D omg u suck!!! u finish already..well soonish n we havent even started!!! how shit!!! GL for ur last onee!! n catcha after we finish ours!!!

kahsean said...

all the best! haha was on the phone wif u just den =)

woooo shopping! ur getting me all excited and i still havent done any exams YET =(

oo u hafta show me ur boys! lol we usually have the same taste!! =D especially when it comes to white boys HAHAHA

hm said...

hahhaa we still have to visit u in uwa next yr to check out ur hot guys eh ;)

exammms suuuuckkk they can go to hell. procrastinating right now too.

c h e w y . said...

i envy u so bad rite now!

Mai said...

good luck with ur results! the waiting eeep whens urs come out?